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Ravenstone Primary School

Stephen Wiltshire class review

Stephen Wiltshire Home Learning 

Friday 19th April 2024

Weekly Review – Please note PE will now be on a Wednesday and please return homework and books by Thursday. Many thanks. 


Week 2 has flown by.  The children are really enjoying their shape work and can identify and match the different shapes.  This week we have been looking at drawing the shapes by joining the dots and tracing over the dashes.  PE has seen the children take to the challenge of balancing, climbing and jumping.  It is always nice to see the children excelling in what they do, especially outside the classroom. 

In English the children are enjoying our new book and being immersed into the gloomy forest the cold river and most importantly the oozing mud!  We made ours like a chocolate cake. 


Routines and regulation are still being embedded and we are seeing the knock-on effect of a much more settled cohort.....until the fire alarm goes!!  The children all reacted brilliantly to the planned drill and walked sensibly out to our spot by the chickens.  Well done Stephen Wiltshire class! 


A big get well soon to Leo from all the children, staff and parents of the Hive.  We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday. 


Everyone have a great weekend. 


Holly, Nana, Simon, Emilia, Raja and Richard