Year 2 Information
This is Year 2's information page where you can find all relevant information regarding your child's class and daily routines.
Class 2D: Mr Davidson Class 2M: Miss Morris
Our Teaching Assistance in Year 2
Sue Alison Samantha.
Class timetables
- curriculum map/docs/Year_Two_Curriculum_Overview.docx
Please note:
- PE: Year 2 will have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this year. The Wednesday lesson will be an hour with Morris, while the Tuesday lesson will be with class teacher. PE kits can be worn to school on PE days.
- Snacks: Year 2 children are all provided with a healthy snack (a piece of fruit) from school we do encourage them to eat it as they do get hungry before lunch.
- Water: Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle daily. Moving towards the Spring and into the Summer, this will be increasingly important.
- Homework: The homework book will be given out every Friday with an expectation to be returned on the following Tuesday to allow for marking. Please note - homework handed in late may not be marked before the new homework is issued.
- Reading Books: These will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Monday. If they are damaged or lost you will be required to pay (£5) for a replacement copy.