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Ravenstone Primary School

Year 1 Information

Welcome to Year 1! Your children are about to begin their big adventure upstairs! We cannot wait to welcome your children into the Middle Phase. Let the adventure begin! 

We have two classes:


                                       1C                                                                                 1M

                      Class 1C - Miss Clarke:

Class 1M - Miss McDonald:            

Please follow the link for our contact details. Please don't hesitate to speak to us. Contact

Our approach throughout the year is to create a bridge to help ease the transition between the play based learning in Early Years and the more formal whole class based learning that is established in KS1.  All children will continue to work with an adult during focused learning tasks, whilst still being given time for independent, exploratory learning. 

Please see out timetable attached: 

                                                                           1C and 1M Timetable: 


 PE Kits:

Both 1C and 1M have PE on Monday and Thursday and will need to be in their PE kits on these days. Please dress your child in their PE kits on both of these days, they do not need to change into their uniform after.  

Water Bottles: 

Please make sure you child brings in a clearly labelled water bottled each day that has already been filled with water. 

Home Learning:

Home Learning Books will be sent home on Friday and need to be returned on Tuesday. 


You child will bring home their Reading Practice Book on Wednesday and it is essential that this book is returned the following Monday. If the book is not returned you will receive one reminder before being issued a charge for the book. This book is accompanied with a Reading Record. Please complete one entry in this for the period that you have the book at home. This book is 100% decodable and will have already been read three times by your child in their Reading Practice Sessions at school. 

You child will also bring home a 'Sharing Book' from the book box and will have the opportunity to change this book on Mondays and Fridays. This is a book to simply share and enjoy.  These texts are not decodable but meant as another opportunity for reading for pleasure.

Yearly Topic Overview:

year one curriculum overview.pdf

 Thank you very much

The Year 1 Team