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Ravenstone Primary School

Reception Information

Welcome to Reception

We have two classes in our Reception team, Mrs Cunningham's Class and Miss Roborgh's Class. Tara and Angie are our wonderful support staff. 

 Our email addresses are:

Please click here for RC class timetable and here for RR class timetable. 

 Class Names
The classes will be known as RC and RR

The weather is very unpredictable so the children need to come in with clothing appropriate to the day (eg coats if its going to be chilly and rain coats if it's going to rain).  Just to reassure you, as the days grow colder we will always send the children out to play with their coats on and done up. However, they do not always keep them on!

Both classes will have PE on Thursday. They will need to come to school in their Ravenstone PE kit. In Reception the children are fine to stay in their PE kits for the day and do not need to change.

Children must bring in a book bag each day. This is so the children can take home books to share from the class library as well as their reading practice books to read with an adult each week. This should be empty except for the reading practice book, reading record and choice books to ensure that there is a reduced chance of books being damaged.

Reading Practice Books
These are books that are decodable reading books that children will be issued with weekly. We will start to issue these books in week 5 of the Autumn Term.  These books will be issued to the children on a Wednesday (along with the reading record) and must be returned on the following Monday at drop off time in the morning. If these books are damaged or lost you will be sent a letter asking for you to provide money to replace them. 

Sharing Books
In Reception we love sharing books with each other and highly value reading for pleasure at bedtime or anytime. These books are just to share with your child for fun. You may read to them, with them or they can read them to you later on in the year. Children will be given their opportunity to change and take home these books on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Home Learning
Home Learning books and task will be sent home each Friday. Please check your child's book bags for them. Please complete and return the Home Learning books by the Wednesday of the following week.  

Information and On-going Updates
Please remember to clearly label every item of clothing your child wears to school particularly hats, scarves and gloves as the weather gets colder. Please make sure that every item of clothing that comes into school is named, so that they are less likely to get lost.

Start & End of the day
Please remember to stay on the outside of the gate at the start and the end of the day.  This is to support your child's developing their independence and for children’s safety. Please remember that at the start of the day our main focus is the children and we will not be able to have time to have an extended conversation. The gate and door are open from 8.30-8.45. If you arrive after this time, please bring your child to the main office.  At the end of the day we open the gate to dismiss children at 3.10. Thank you 

The best place to find out information is on the website. We update the Reception section every week and include a synopsis of the week and a preview of the week to come. All information about dates can be found on the calendar.

Again, if there is anything that you would like to check or questions you would like to ask, please don't hesitate to contact the class teachers.  

 If you would like some more information for parents please click here.

In Maths we teach the programme of Mastering Number by NCTEM. 

We teach Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised for our daily phonics lessons. Please see link below for more information 

 Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised      

Baseline Assessment 

During the first six weeks every child will complete a statutory Baseline Assessment on a 1:1 basis with their class teacher, Miss Roborgh or Mrs Cunningham. For more information, please click here.