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Ravenstone Primary School

Year 6 Information

Welcome to Year 6!

Welcome to Year 6.  Our children are enjoying their big adventure at the top of the school. We have two classes:

              6T                         6d




Our Support Staff:


Timetables for the Spring Term:





On PE days, children should come to school in their Ravenstone PE kits. 6T and 6D both have PE on Mondays and Fridays


Home Learning:

In Year 6, home learning is set online via SATsCompanion. Each child has their own login and work set can be found under the "Tasks" tab. 

The "Practise" tab provides additional activities that children can complete, should they need more work on something or as revision activities. 

Children are also expected to complete 30 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars each week. Again, each child has their own login.

Reminders of logins can be obtained by emailing your child's class teacher. 



Research suggests that children ages 10-11 should read for 30 minutes per day. Whilst we understand this is not always possible, reading is hugely important to children's academic, social and emotional health. 

Children should read from a variety of genres and should discuss and answer questions about their reading.

Looking for reading inspiration? Here are 100 recommended reads for 10-11 year olds:



The Year 6 Maths curriculum is engaging and rigorous, and relies on quick and accurate maths fact recall. Each child has a Times Table Rock Stars account, which should be used to build fluency in timestables (up to 12x12) and corresponding division facts. 

We also have Maths Fluency lessons in school, which further support children's automaticity in these facts. 


Rights Respecting School

Curriculum Overview

copy of yearly curriculum overview template 24 25 sheet1 1 .pdf