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Useful Links

Ravenstone Primary School

Year 3 Information

Welcome to Year 3


                                                                                         Miss Ahmad        Mr Downey

This is Year 3's information page where you can find all relevant information regarding your child's class and daily routines. 

Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants:

Class 3A:  Miss Ahmad 

Class 3D: Mr Downey

 Support Staff: Alison Gibson, Samantha Lewis and Fatima


 Please note:

  • PE:  3D - Friday    3A - Thursday            Please make sure your child has a PE kit on the day, which can be stored in their locker or worn to school on the correct day. 
  • Snacks: KS2 children are not provided with a snack from school. The children are allowed to bring a healthy, nut-free snack to have at playtime.
  • Water: Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle daily.
  • Homework: The homework book will be given out every Friday with an expectation to be returned on the following Wednesday to allow for marking. Please note- homework handed in late may not be marked before the new homework is issued.

Please see out timetables attached: 

3a timetable.pdf