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Ravenstone Primary School

The Hive

Welcome to The Hive

We have two classes in our Hive team, Stephen Wiltshere Class, which is run by Ms. Purssey, Emelia, Simon and Jamie, and Temple Grandin Class, which is run by Miss Bergin, Dash and Lyne.

The class is supported by our external professionals, Krupa Raja, our Speech and Language Therapist, and Saskia Bouwer, our Occupational Therapist.  Whilst Saskia is away, the children are being supported by Aaliyah Osman-Adams.

Our email addresses are: (Stephen Wiltshire Class) (Temple Grandin Class)



Stephen Wiltshire's Timetable 


Temple Grandin's Timetable 


Both classes will have PE on Friday, which will be run by Morris.  We ask that the children come to school in their PE kits.

Temple Grandin class will go swimming on Thursday morning for the first half of Autumn term.  After Autumn 1, Stephen Wiltshere will take their turn to go swimming.

We ask that the children bring their swimming kit so they can change at the pool.

Temple Grandin will leave school at 9:45, so that they are swimming between 10:00 and 11:00


We will update this page with more information over the coming week.