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Ravenstone Primary School

Google Classroom FAQs

FAQ: Google Classroom - A Simple Guide for Parents


  1. What is Google Classroom?
  • Google Classroom is an online classroom which will be run by your child’s class teacher and allows the teacher to set work which your child can do at home. It really is that simple.
  • Instead of children going to school and sitting in the classroom, they will join an online classroom where they can access their learning directly from the teacher and hand it back in when it is finished.
  • It will also allow your child to remain in closer communication with their teacher.


  1. How does it all work?
  • It is very simple. Every child that Ravenstone will be issued with an email address and password. This will allow them to log in to a Google account. Their email address will end ‘’.
  • Once they have logged in, they will go to Google Classroom and join a class created by their child’s class teacher. They will then use a ‘class code’ to access their teacher’s classroom (these codes are in the pack). They will only need to do this once as once they have joined the Classroom, they will remain within it forever.
  • Once in the classroom, they will find the work set by the class teacher each day by 9am.
  • Further guidance can be found below.


  1. What will be left for the children to do in the Google Classroom?
  • This is where things get more exciting.
  • Your child’s class teacher will post three lessons a day on the Google Classroom. These are set as ‘Assignments’ and will have videos and instructions for your child, and then worksheets and other resources to help them do their own work.
  • The Assignments will be following a new approach to Home Learning entitled ‘TeachDo’. This is simple in its content. The lessons will have a section in which something new is taught. This will likely be via a video, often created by the teachers. The second part will be a piece of work to ‘do’ which will be in the form (for the majority of the time) of a worksheet.
  • These lessons will be available from 9am each day on your child’s Google Classroom.
  • Once your child has finished each lesson, they can submit their work and return it to the teacher. Feedback can be given by the class teacher to your child.


  1. How can my child submit their work?
  • Each lesson on Google Classroom has a function to allow children to ‘submit’ finished work.
  • In some lessons your child will be able to type a written response and submit it as a document. In other lessons the work might use Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint. Again, this work can be done at home and then submitted via the Google Classroom. Finally, if the work is an activity (such as in art lessons for example), your child might photograph their work and submit a picture. It’s that simple.


  1. How is this different to the current home learning template?
  • This is a very good question and probably the most important.
  • The current template is a one-way process, in which work is distributed to families and they complete it at home.
  • Google Classroom will allow your child’s class teacher to set work for your child, but also to be more proactive in teaching new skills and knowledge. This will be done in a range of ways, including using videos, audio descriptions and animated flipcharts. All of these will be much more active in teaching new content to your child, rather than being simply activity based.
  • Equally, you will be able to stay in closer contact with your child’s class teacher through Google Classroom.
  • Children will be able to seek feedback from their class teacher. This is very different to our current approach in which teachers have no way of knowing who is completing the work, or how much of it.
  • Children will also be able to share messages in a safe space with their peers, and so stay in touch with each other more directly.
  • All of this should make mimicking and recreating a classroom environment much more successful.