Useful Links

Useful Links

Ravenstone Primary School

Isolating and remote learning

The links and information below are for those who are isolating with their families (not a bubble closure). For home learning in the case of a bubble closure, please follow the drop down menu: Home Learning - Bubble Closure, then click on your year group.



Oak National Academy -

Oak National Academy is an online classroom made by teachers, for teachers and children. Their free, high-quality video lessons and resources are available throughout 2020/21. 


BBC Daily Lessons -


These BBC lessons were available throughout the summer, and have been renewed for the autumn term. Do please follow the links and you have plenty of lessons available which cover the entire curriculum.


Wandle English Hub - Daily phonics

Daily letters and sounds phonics lessons that follow the same approach that we use at Ravenstone.


Additionally, your child has access through the school to a range of online learning tools. These include:

  1. Purple Mash - this website contains a wealth of different curriculum subjects and activities and games that can be played.
  2. Times Table Rockstars - This is an excellent maths resource for learning a range of arithmetic methods. 
  • Google Classroom - lessons from last summer. These are still available. 


It is our hope that your child will be able to gather enough work from these two websites. If your child does not know the account details for the websites above, please email the office who can provide guidance for you.