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Useful Links

Ravenstone Primary School

Monday 4 January Home Learning

Home Learning for Monday 4 January 2020 is outlined on this page. Full remote learning will commence across the school from Tuesday 5 January. 

Learning on Monday 4 January 2021:

  • The first day of our closure, in line with our contingency plan, will involve children using a range of learning using online resources, as well as being issued with a ‘split pack activity booklet’. This can be completed at home, does not need to be printed and does not need to be returned to school. These booklets are very simple and have been created by class teachers and can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Further learning can be found from a range of online resources which are outlined here:


Oak National Academy -

Oak National Academy is an online classroom made by teachers, for teachers and children. Their free, high-quality video lessons and resources are available throughout 2020/21. 


BBC Daily Lessons -

 These BBC lessons were available throughout the summer, and have been renewed for the autumn and spring term. Do please follow the links and you have plenty of lessons available which cover the entire curriculum.

 Additionally, your child has access through the school to a range of online learning tools. These include:

  1. Purple Mash - this website contains a wealth of different curriculum subjects and activities and games that can be played.
  2. Times Table Rockstars - This is an excellent maths resource for learning a range of arithmetic methods.

Additional Early Years resources can be found here for our Nursery and Reception classes:

Make up a story.  Act it out or tell it to your family.  If you can, film it as a movie

Lots of lovely art and craft ideas

A great website full of lovely ideas across the curriculum for Early Years children

A place for playful learning ideas for teachers and parents.

‘Hands On As We Grow’ is all about learning to do hands on activities with your kids.


Your child can also download and complete activities within these packs for Years 1 to 6. These need not be printed nor returned to school. 

Year 1 Pack - Monday 4 January 2021. 

Year 2 Pack - Monday 4 January 2021. 

Year 3 Pack - Monday 4 January 2021. 

Year 4 Pack - Monday 4 January 2021. 

Year 5 Pack - Monday 4 January 2021. 

Year 6 Pack - Monday 4 January 2021.