Weekly Review - 13th September Weekly Review What a fantastic start of the new academic year. All children have settled well and enjoyed their first week. Maths: This week, we recapped some of the skills and knowledge of Year 3 in preparation for Year 4 Maths content. We looked at place value and addition and subtraction using the column method. English: This week, we have started reading our new text: Krindlekrax. It’s been exciting to get to grips with our text and to get to know the characters. Next week we will be immersing ourselves further into the text and will start to build up pieces of writing . PSHE: This week we began our new PSHE programme - PATHS. We worked together on our class rules and created class charters, which reflected these as well as incorporated our school values and articles for Unicef’s Children’s Rights Charter (CRS). Compulsory tasks:
Handwriting: While we do not set handwriting homework - please ensure that you’re completing your work to a high standard by paying attention to how it is presented. Recommended tasks: English Like last year, your new teachers would like to learn more about you. Let your teacher know who inspires you in your daily life by writing a paragraph about it. Make sure you include a sentence about why you chose this particular person. You can include a photograph or a drawing as well if you’d like to be more creative. We are looking forward to reading your pieces and finding out more about you. Optional Task(two weeks): In History, we are about to embark on our journey into Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt is one of the Ancient Civilisations. Other Ancient Civilisations include: Sumer -the earliest known civilization, located in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, Ancient India (Indus Valley), Ancient China (eg. Shang Dynasty), Ancient Peru (eg. Inca Empire), Ancient Mesoamerica (eg. Maya, Aztecs). Research one of the other Ancient Civilisations and create a poster that includes pictures and facts about it. Have a lovely weekend Year 4 team Please note: PE lesson - Wednesdays Swimming lesson - Thursday
School Uniform This is a reminder that children need to come into school in the correct school uniform. Correct uniform is as follows:
Further details of correct uniform can be found here: https://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/ Order-uniform/. If your child comes in to school without proper uniform, we will contact you to ask you to bring in whatever item of clothing they are missing. Please also make sure your child's uniform is clearly labelled with their full name. Any unlabelled uniform will be placed in the lost property box, and will be donated to FoR's second hand uniform sale if not collected after a month. Toys From Home Due to incidences in the playground, Lower Key Stage 2 have decided to prohibit toys from being brought into school from home. The children have a number of playground resources to use and structured games to play during break and lunchtime. We are looking forward to seeing the children making the most of these resources and enjoying their playtimes. |